I’m working on some new long-form content to accompany some of the larger posts going up on Instagram, keep watch there and on my blog for more! An absolutely insane amount of changes, progression, treatments and more have been tried, failed, replaced since my last post on here, my goal is to get you caught up, and hopefully help some others avoid and find helpful some of the information and experiences I’ve had in the process. It’s always my prayer that my EDS/Mito/POTS/Dysautonomia/Autoimmune journey is never wasted, even if it only helps one person avoid some of the challenges I’ve faced over the years and especially recently, but that’s enough to fill a literal book on it’s own, so let’s just get you caught up first then we can get into the here and now!

💚 ManOfZebra 🦓

About ManOfZebra

Preparing for Surgery with...

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